Friday, April 11, 2014

A Sonnet for the Boston Marathon (2014)

Last two years my marathon poems have been humorous, with references to Uta Pippig and Rosie Ruiz. This year humor didn't seem appropriate. Perhaps next year, but until then I offer you:
A Sonnet for the Boston Marathon (2014)
When the time of Paul Revere’s Ride draws near
And the light of patriots of old dawns
We honor them with games and marathons
Memories of days and of ideals held dear
Yet now we strain to think beyond the year
Past a moment scarred by hatred and bombs
That took Martin, Krystle, Lingzi and Sean
Left others wounded, a city in fear
Even as innocents crumple and bleed
That light still glimmers as ever before
Piercing the dark of our “peril and need”
A fire that burns bright with love and deed
The word that shall echo for evermore
And strength that must never fail to lead


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